Monthly Archives: December 2012

Google+ Community for Science on Drupal

Science on Drupal Google+ Community

Google+, a social network platform with half a billion users and no advertisements (for now)—although it does provide grist for Google’s social graph—just opened up a way for users to create and manage their own sub-networks, which Google+ calls “communities.” Communities can be public or private in terms of membership and search. They also all users to add content categories, which promotes browsing through the user-generated content. Searching within the community is also supported, as are Google+ hangouts and events.

NASA Science on Drupal Central is experimenting with a Google+ Community named “Science on Drupal.” The community is public, but it does require a moderator to approve membership. This platform will provide another means of connecting the work within NASA with other groups and efforts to promote science on the internet. If you wish to join Science on Drupal, just search for this in Google+ and request an invitation.

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